Frequently Asked Questions

How can I post the Ad?

You will have to signup to the website and then you can proceed to post an Ad. For further information please look at How It Works page.

Does it take any money to post an Ad?

No, all the services in are free.

How can I contact the people who post the Ad?

The most secure way to contact the people who post the Ad is through nepalisaathi inbox. If the as poster has provided the contact information on the ad post, you can also directly contact them.

How can I access the nepali saathi inbox?

You would need to sign up to the platform and get the access to the nepali saathi inbox as a user.

Can I make payment through the nepalisaathi?

Nope, you cannot pay through the nepalisaathi. We warn to communicate with owner of Ad first and only do monetary transactions.

How long my ad will be posted to the nepalisaathi?

Your ad will be available until you delete it or It will be deleted after 30 days of posting the ad.

How can I review the buyer/seller?

For reviewing a user you need to first get a response from the user you are trying to review on private inbox.

Once you get the response you will get a button saying Leave a review on the top right side of the inbox page. When you click that button it will give you form to submit a review

How to compare Ads?

  • To compare Ads click on bottom right compare icon of listed Ad in the Ad thumbnail
    • Compare icon is icon which is middle of message icon and Submit An Ad button
    • Compare icon is together with the favourite icon, at left of the favourite icon
  • It will show you compare page(You can go to compare page from clicking compare icon in Navigation bar)
  • Close that page and add another Ad to compare by clicking the Compare button in Ad thumbnail it will again show you compare page but this time with two Ads comparing with each other.
    •  If you want to get rid of one Ad and add another, you can click red close icon and add another Ad by following step 2
    • You can compare more than 2 Ads too